Nauru's Minister for Education has warmly congratulated nine
students from Nauru State School (NSS) who have completed their
studies and graduated with a Queensland Certificate of Education
The Honourable Charmaine Scotty attended the graduation ceremony
where Assistant Minister for Education Vodrick Detsiogo handed out
the QCE certificates including one to a female refugee
"To see all the students fulfil their dreams and graduate with a
prestigious QCE was a proud occasion for all."
"We especially note the young refugee scholar Rahil Azari who
graduated, and warmly congratulate her on a tremendous achievement
in finishing her QCE at NSS.
The Minister also thanked donor partners, especially Australia
who, "continue to be an integral contributing partner in our quest
for educational development of all our community".
"There is so much to look forward to with the commencement of our
learning village in August which will incorporate in a single area,
all our higher education agencies including the University of New
England and University of the South Pacific plus Nauru's Technical
Vocational Education and Training."