The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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710 graduate from FNU-certified Alternative Pathways Program

710 graduate from FNU-certified Alternative Pathways Program

The Alternative Pathways Program (APP) under the Department of Multicultural Affairs (DMA) in partnership with the Fiji National University's (FNU) National Training and Productive Centre held its second and largest graduation ceremony for 710 participants at the Centennial Hall, 26 April.


His Excellency President David Adeang, Minister for the Department of Multicultural Affairs, attended the ceremony along with FNU's Chancellor Semesa Karavaki, Minister Charmaine Scotty, Deputy Minister Isabella Dageago, Australian High Commissioner Sara Moriarty, Chief Secretary Leona Waidabu, and Secretary for DMA Daniel Eoe.

Following the national anthem sung by the FNU students, Secretary Eoe formally opened the ceremony to confer certificates of attainment.


APP FNU Graduation


He acknowledged the ongoing "collaboration and partnership of the Fiji National University and the Government of Nauru with the support of the Commonwealth of Australia".

President Adeang congratulated the graduates for their dedication and becoming the embodiment of Nauru's potential and determination.

"It is my government's profound honour and my personal honour to address the largest graduation assembly that Nauru has witnessed.


"Our nation faces the formidable challenge of navigating the economy shifts and the consequent impact on jobs. The Alternative Pathways Program stands as a beacon of your government's unwavering support and commitment to equipping the people of Nauru with essential skills to thrive in this new landscape."

President Adeang reaffirmed the government's pledge to expand the APP to "bridge our citizens to higher education for those who seek to reach further."

Mr Karavaki also commended the graduates for their remarkable achievements that resulted from the culminations of hard work, dedication and perseverance.


"As you embark on this next sector of your life remember that the skills and knowledge you have acquired are not just tools for personal advancement but also instruments for positive change in your communities and beyond."

Mr Andrew Palik delivered the graduates' address expressing gratitude to the Government of Nauru for their support through the Alternative Pathways Program and the FNU trainers for their guidance throughout the courses.


The FNU senior officials also met with President Adeang, 23 April, to discuss the progress of the in-country courses, ways to tackle the shared challenges and improve the development of work skills and education through DMA's Alternative Pathways program.

The first FNU graduation under the Alternative Pathways Program to be held in Nauru was in 2023 with over 100 participants graduating from the first session of FNU trainings; while this ceremony saw 710 participants from the second to sixth sessions of the FNU trainings since 2023.