The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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Nauru Bulletin #7


Nauru Bulletin

Issue 7- 2024/272

3 May 2024


China developments are for Nauruans: HE Adeang


The renewed diplomatic relations between Nauru and China is on a positive start following the first state visit by His Excellency President David W.R. Adeang to China in March.

President Adeang says the state visit lays the foundation for frank discussion, open dialogue and a better understanding of each party setting the pace for assistance and cooperation right from the outset.

President Adeang says his meeting with China's President Xi Jinping is paramount in shaping the landscape of the relationship which he sees as strong. He highlights that understanding each other at the highest level is important.

The state visit is the President's first trip back to China in almost 20 years and is impressed by how much China has advanced and developed which demonstrates the capacity of its assistance.

Nauru's sovereignty was acknowledged and respected across all the meetings during the visit allowing the delegation to openly share their aspirations and expectations to address Nauru's challenges.

President Adeang is confident the new relationship will enrich Nauru as a country.

Nauru is experiencing pressing challenges requiring concrete assistance that's driven and focused.

As one of the biggest countries and one of the most powerful China is well positioned to render the assistance Nauru needs to push forward with the capacity and resources available to China.

Ten memorandums of understanding (MOU) were signed during the state visit covering areas of economic development and deepening the Blue Economy, international trade, digital economy and green development, media cooperation, and exchange of letters on Chinese expert teams to facilitate bilateral pragmatic cooperation.

The MOUs are the outcomes of discussions based on the Nauru government's views, uncertainties, ambitions and vision to develop Nauru.

The range of cooperation agreements are broad ensuring Nauru's interests are covered in the MOUs.

President Adeang says China's substantial capacity to assist cannot be underestimated. The challenge for Nauru is stepping up to the task and utilise the assistance. He encourages Nauru acts fast and contributes where necessary such as land and raw materials to progress infrastructure development.

While both governments are looking at the various projects, the Chinese officials will assess which MOU is most relevant to address the needs of the projects both countries are working on together.

The Nauru government is looking at schools, hospitals and the sporting facilities for the hosting of the Micronesian Games in 2026, as key projects.

A survey team from the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) is in Nauru carrying out surveys on schools, the hospital and the games stadium as well as other projects.

The two leaders appreciate the benefits the relationship will reap especially in meeting Nauru's challenges given its smallness, isolation and climate change issues.

President Adeang assures the Nauruan people this is not a relationship to be worried about.

Nauru joins over 180 countries that have long established diplomatic ties with China who intend to maintain their respective relationships.

President Adeang says the capacity of China's assistance is evident in the Pacific region and can be emulated at home to address Nauru's challenges and realise its development aspirations.

Undertaking the development projects is not feasible for Nauru to do alone and reliance on traditional development partners is not sufficient. The additional assistance China offers will see those projects through and in a timely manner.

President Adeang underscores that plans for infrastructure development including hospitals, schools and sporting facilities are for Nauruans.

Nauru's assistance in terms of land provision and assisting the work wherever possible will only serve to benefit Nauru and achieve results faster.


China Nauru Shakehands


HE President David Adeang and China's President Xi Jinping officially meet in Beijing during the State visit in March


Nauru strengthens cooperation with China on historic state visit


His Excellency President David Adeang made significant advancements for Nauru on his historic first state visit to the People's Republic of China since Nauru and China re-established diplomatic ties in January.

In the first two days of arriving in the capital Beijing, 10 Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) were signed propelling the level of cooperation and development assistance for Nauru.

The visit is a significant step to commence direct in-person talks between the two leaders, the Chinese government and various entities to forge ahead for future collaboration and development. China pledged cooperation and advancement on projects including the port redevelopment project contracted to construction company China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC).

On Sunday 24 March President Adeang and his delegation were received on arrival at Beijing Airport by the Chinese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Ma Zhaoxu.

President Adeang was accompanied by Cabinet ministers Jesse Jeremiah and Reagan Aliklik, and deputy ministers Isabella Dageago and Maverick Eoe who have separate bilateral meetings also with senior officials of government and public enterprise. //




A grand welcome ceremony and guard of honour was accorded His Excellency President Adeang at the Great Hall of the People in the Chinese capital, Beijing, 25 March.

A 21-gun salute was fired at Tian'anmen Square, and the guard of honor stood in salutation. After the two presidents entered the hall and stepped onto the stand, the military band played the national anthems of China and Nauru. President Xi accompanied President Adeang as he inspected the guard of honour of the People's Liberation Army and watched the march-past.

After the ceremony, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of a series of cooperation documents in the areas of finance, global development, agriculture, commerce, trade and economics, the Blue Economy initiative, the Belt and Road initiative, and media.

Ministers Jesse Jeremiah and Reagan Aliklik, and Deputy Ministers Isabella Dageago and Maverick Eoe co-signed the documents on behalf of Nauru, with a Chinese representative.

Minister Jesse Jeremiah signed the agricultural cooperation; and the Exchange of Letters on Chinese expert teams to facilitate bilateral pragmatic cooperation.

The Exchange and Cooperation on economic development; and deepening the Blue Economy was signed by Minister Reagan Aliklik.

Deputy Minister Maverick Eoe signed the Cooperation on the Framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt; and the initiative on international trade and economic cooperation framework on digital economy and green development.

Deputy Minister Isabella Dageago signed the Enhancing Cooperation and Promoting the Global Development Initiative; and deepening cooperation with Chinese state media.

During the bilateral meeting of the two leaders afterwards, President Xi says the meeting is a major outcome of President Adeang's visit, and urged both sides to work closely to deliver "early harvests" in the bilateral relationship.

He adds that his country recognises the rights of sovereign nations, big or small, and their internal decisions and stands ready to assist Nauru with its development interests. One such project China will pursue for priority completion is the Nauru port redevelopment project.

President Adeang notes the echoes of support at the highest levels of government and financial institutions and trusts the renewed friendship will reap benefits for both countries. //


Presdient China

 After Ceremony


Meeting with Premier Li Qiang reaffirms China's support for infrastructure development and concrete benefits for Nauru.

Echoing other high level meetings during this visit, China stands ready to support Nauru in areas of finance, infrastructure, tourism, scholarships, health, and climate change.

Premier Li says as efficient as the restoration of diplomatic ties so should the delivery of immediate and concrete benefits for the people of Nauru.

Tourism is an emerging industry in Nauru and President Adeang and Premier Li appreciate the opportunity to promote Nauruan products and build infrastructure to cater for the tourism market and elevate Nauru as a destination of choice for Chinese tourists. //



 Picture 1infrastructure


President David and China's Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhao Leji discussed areas of collaboration for the advancement of Nauru's development aspirations and clean energy.

Nauru looks to China to assist with cleaner solutions and to elevate its renewable energy capacity to 100 per cent.

Mr Zhao's title is equivalent to the speaker of parliament. He conveyed his greetings to Nauru's Speaker Marcus Stephen and highlighted President Adeang's political career having served twice as Nauru's speaker.

Chairman Zhao acknowledged that putting the China-Nauru relations back on track is no easy accomplishment, and commended the Nauru Parliament for the unanimous resolution.

Mr Zhao highlighted China's reduction in energy and carbon consumption and the largest producer of e-vehicles over nine consecutive years, and underscored that China will not build new coal-fired production overseas.

As a small developing island state vulnerable to the threats of climate change and rising seas, this is welcome news for Nauru.

Mr Zhao looks forward to welcoming Mr Stephen and members of the Nauru Parliament to China as his guests. //


President Nauru China


Bank of China is working with Nauru to explore solutions and options to its banking issues after signing historic banking MoU.

Shortly after arriving in Beijing President Adeang and his delegation met with top officials of the Bank of China where the first MoU was signed, Sunday 24 March. 

President Adeang and BOC Chairman Ge Haijiao witnessed the momentous signing of the MoU by Minister for Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation Reagan Aliklik and BOC Executive Vice President Zhang Xiaodong. //


Bank China


President Adeang made positive advancement in seeking financial support following a meeting with the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Jin Liqun, 24 March.

President Adeang presented Nauru's interest in applying for membership of the multilateral development institution. The AIIB gave positive feedback and welcomes Nauru's interest and says is committed to strengthening its partnership with Nauru on that front.

Membership with the AIIB affords a range of financial services which has the potential for growth and progress to realise Nauru's infrastructure and development targets.

The meeting lays the foundation for cooperation and collaboration and finding solutions to Nauru's current financial problems.

This is the second occasion that Nauru has applied for AIIB membership. The first in 2017 proved unsuccessful.

The AIIB looks forward to welcoming Nauru to its next meeting in Uzbekistan in September. //


Bank Financial


Nauruan students in China were pleased to be hosted by President Adeang and his delegation during the state visit.

Most of the 29 students were able to attend the dinner held at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

President Adeang thanked the students for persevering in their studies despite the changes and relocation of countries and universities. They were reminded that education is Nauru's future and as a democratic nation the leaders of Nauru will change and the work started now by the current government will be in the hands of Nauru's future leaders - the students.

They also heard words of encouragement from the ministers and deputy ministers to persevere.

Speaking on behalf of her fellow students, undergraduate Christina Rokobuli who is studying diplomacy and international relations says the majority of them have settled in well and used the opportunity to speak with the delegation of their educational plans and pathways and issues they might have. //


China Student


The China Communications Construction Company also met with the delegation, 26 March, for collaborative discussions on projects and says it is especially committed to completing the redevelopment of the Nauru port currently carried out by its subsidiary China Harbour Construction Company (CHEC).

President of CCCC Wang Tongzhou says Nauru is its most important market in the Pacific and with CHEC currently there, CCCC would like to fully integrate and assist Nauru with developing more quality projects and meet its development goals.

Another of CHEC's work on Nauru is the solar farm project which is due for completion in July.

//China Sit


President Adeang's visit and walk along the Great Wall of China makes him the 534th head of state to do so on 25 March.

President Adeang and his delegation were guided on the walk with historical commentary of the wall before making their way back down to sign the guest book prior to leaving the site.

In between meetings during the week of President Adeang's State visit to China, the delegation also visited the Terracotta Warriors in China's northwestern province of Shaanxi, a bucket-list item of President Adeang and just as appreciated by the rest of the delegation to learn of this magnificent history of the Chinese dynasty.

The Terracotta Army is a super large collection of life-size terracotta sculptures including warriors, chariots and horses in battle formations depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210-209 BCE with the purpose of protecting him in his afterlife.

The delegation also visited the Longi Green Energy Exhibition hall to see its range of solar and energy efficient technology. The site visit points to Nauru and its renewable energy targets. President Adeang has asked the company to assist with expanding Nauru's solar farm. //

Wall China


China Soldier 












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