The Government of the Republic of Nauru

2012 台灣志工協助建置 ╭═╦╯ ║ ╰ ╭╦══╦══╦╯ ╭╯ ╮ ═╮══╦╩╦══ ══╬══╬══╯╭═══════╮╭╯ ╰╮ ╰╭╯║ ║╰╮ ║ ║ ╭╯║╭═║═╮═╮║╰═══════╣═╮ ╰════╮ ╭═╬╯ ╰╮╯ ╯ ╰════ ╭══════╮ ╰ ╭════╯ ║ ╭╰╮ ╠═╭══╯ ║ ║ ╭ ╰════╮ ╯ ╯ ╰╯ ═══╯╰═══ ╰══════╯ ═╯ ╯ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ?MM" ~"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMM :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM "MMMM ""?MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM " MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMXxx "" MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx xx: MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: MMMMMHXMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM"" ~MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" "MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" MMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~ xMMHx: "MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM"" xxMMMMMMMMMx "MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM"~ xxMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ?MMMMMM MM?"" xxxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx ~MMMMMM M ::????????!?!!!!!!!?!????????: "MMMMM MM!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ~!MMM MMMMHXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!X!!XXXXXXXXXx MM / \ | _________________________________________ | | | | | | | C:\>我愛台灣 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_________________________________________| | | | \_________________________________________________/ \___________________________________/ ___________________________________________ _-' .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. --- `-_ _-'.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--. .-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-. .---.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-`__`. .-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-. .-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-----. .-.-.-.-.`-_ _-'.-.-.-.-.-. .---.-. .-------------------------. .-.---. .---.-.-.-.`-_ :-------------------------------------------------------------------------: `---._.-------------------------------------------------------------._.---'

HE presents official engagements at April sitting

His Excellency President David Adeang presented several ministerial statements at the 5 April parliament sitting. In his overview of events he engaged in since the end of January, President Adeang first acknowledged the celebration of the 56th Independence Day and Nauru's hosting the Miss Pacific Islands pageant and various sporting events.


Parliament HE - Briefs


President Adeang noted the leaders and delegations who visited Nauru to attend the celebrations including the President of Kiribati Taneti Maamau, President of FSM Wesley Simina, Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa, Minister Assistant to the President of the Marshall Islands Bremity Lakjohn, Minister for International Development and the Pacific Patrick Conroy, Chairman of the PRC International Development Cooperation Agency Luo Zhaohui, Ambassador of Japan Rokuichiro Michi, Ambassador of France Francois-Xavier Leger, and Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Sultan Fahad A Bin. President Adeang held bilateral meetings with the leaders and discussed opportunities for strengthening international relationships and fostering collaboration on key issues, and looks forward to strengthening bonds and a future of continued prosperity and peace. In February President Adeang had several bilateral meetings, first with the US Ambassador to Nauru Marie Damour to strengthen the relations with USA for mutual benefits. The Regional Director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Shane Rosenthal also met with President Adeang and assured priority resource allocation for the development of Nauru as well as work to be done on the banking issue and the port development project. Towards the end of February President Adeang highlighted his attendance at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Pacific Islands high level conference with finance ministers and central bank governors of the region in Fiji. Discussions at the IMF conference focused on debanking in the Pacific, digital money and Blue Economy. President Adeang also had bilateral meetings with finance and foreign ministers and the IMF. Following the IMF meeting, President Adeang highlighted several other meetings in New Zealand on Nauru's Intergenerational Trust Fund as well as meetings with the NZ Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, focusing on enhancing economic and banking relations, expanding educational opportunities, and exploring partnerships in various sectors including climate change, renewable energy, and seasonal worker programs. President Adeang said NZ Prime Minister Luxon assured the full support of the incoming secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum, Baron Waqa. Nauru and NZ also agreed to open the Nauru High Commission in NZ to deepen diplomatic and bilateral relations between both countries. Following on from the initial IMF conference in Fiji and NZ meetings, President Adeang was in Tonga in early March to meet with Prime Minister Siaosi Hu'akavameiliku when Tonga offered its International Seabed Authority (ISA) council seat to Nauru for the term 2024-25 and offered its full support to Nauru for the seabed harvesting project. Tonga will host the upcoming Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders' summit in August and offers its full support to the incoming PIF SG Baron Waqa. Then on 14 March, a delegation from the Bank of China was in Nauru to study the country's financial and banking situation and promote national economic growth through globalisation and corporate banking services. President Adeang also noted the presentation of credentials during the month of March of Egypt Ambassador Hani Mohammed Nagi Abdelhamid; Arab Republic of Brazil Ambassador Claudio Frederico de Matos Arruda; Federal Republic of Germany Ambassador Ms Beate Grzeski, and the appointment of the Alamanda Lauti as the first Honorary Consul of German to Nauru. ENDS///