The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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NUC shows steady progress in its business performance and services

Minister Reagan Aliklik tabled the Nauru Utilities Corporation's performance report for January and February at the April sitting of parliament highlighting rainfall of the period as a contributing factor to the business performance of the state-owned entity.


The government subsidy of $2.86 million alleviated NUC's financial position from the increase in fuel prices.


Parliament -ra -nuc -solar -panels


NUC's financial position compared to the same period last year improved by eight per cent, while credit owed to suppliers remains significant but is being addressed through cost cutting measures on operational expenses, strengthening payment plans, decreasing debtors turnover time, and post-paid conversion to prepaid customer scheme.


The rainfall of the reported period affected the electrical components of the engines as well as engine maintenance interrupting power generation.


The average rainfall of 297mm for January and February affected customer demand for water. Water production averaged 14,092,000 megalitres and 13,431,750 megalitres delivered to customers. Records also show a significant reduction compared to the same period last year.


NUC is also expecting two additional reverse osmosis units which are expected to increase water production by 36 per cent.


NUC continues to work with the Department of Climate Change and National Resilience and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the Nauru Sustainable Urban Development Project.


The project aims to improve water accessibility through a water reticulation system for the western to southern part of the island, covering 60 per cent of the population.


The implementation phase will commence next year and expected to be completed by 2030.


The heavy rainfall during January-February also affected solar production. The average renewable energy exported to the main power grid from all roof top and ground mounted solar installations for the period was 146,413 kWh, a reduction compared to the same period last year.


The construction of the ADB-funded six megawatt solar development farm is 69 per cent complete. The completion date is extended from March to October 2024.

The solar farm will see an increase in solar PV penetration and provide sustainable power and improve fuel efficiency.


Sanitation service is a new department of NUC after transitioning from Eigigu Holdings Corporation (EHC) in July 2023.


The service entails the collection of waste water, treats and disposes it in compliance with health regulations and standards.


In the first six months of operation a total of 880,000 litres of waste water was collected, averaging 147,000 a month.


Minister Aliklik says NUC intends to strengthen the capacity of sanitation services by working closely with the Department of Climate Change and National Resilience, the Department of Environmental Management and Agriculture, and the ADB, on the Nauru Sustainable Urban Development Project.