The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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President pays respects to founding fathers on Constitution day

His Excellency President David Adeang hosted the State banquet celebrating 56 years of Nauru's Constitution, 17 May.


The Constitution was enforced on 31 January 1968, but alterations were made to it on 17 May that same year by the Constitutional Review Committee, declaring Nauru a republic.

President Adeang delivered his statement emphasising the importance of Constitution Day as a day of reflection, celebration and "reaffirming our commitment to our Constitution's principles and values".


Constitution -day -banquet


"We honour the visions of our founding fathers who, with foresight and dedication, crafted a document that would serve as the foundation of our sovereignty. Their legacy is not just a written text but a living testament to our enduring spirit of independence, unity, and resilience."


"As we commemorate Constitution Day, let us renew our commitment to the values that have brought us together as a nation. Let us pledge to uphold the principles of democracy, justice, and equality. Let us work together to build a brighter, more prosperous Nauru, where every citizen can thrive and where our future generations can look back with pride at the legacy we leave behind."

Earlier that day, President Adeang along with the Speaker of Parliament Marcus Stephen and cabinet ministers, attended the national sports carnival held at the Linkbelt oval in Aiwo.


His Excellency congratulated the children who participated in the sports carnival and to the winning team Evergreen of Meneng and Yaren - "Happy Constitution Day and may God bless Nauru as we recognise God's Will First".

He extended his appreciation to the Ministry of Sports and the "tremendous efforts" of everyone who contributed in the events.

"I recognise your efforts, and I thank you on behalf of the government and people of Nauru for a fantastic, fun and joyous occasion."


Also in attendance were Australian High Commissioner Sara Moriarty, Counsellor Wang Xuguang of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the PRC Guangdong Yuan Baocheng, and the incoming Secretary-General of the PIF Baron Waqa.

Constitution Day on 17 May is a national holiday in Nauru and is celebrated annually with a sports carnival with the 14 districts forming the five teams of Evergreen, Boe, Aida, Ubenide, and Blues.