Health ministry refers patients to specialist hospital in Fiji
Health ministry refers patients
to specialist hospital in Fiji
The Ministry of Health has to date
referred 26 Nauruan patients for specialist review and treatment to
the Pacific Specialist Healthcare Hospital in Fiji.
Minister for Health Charmaine
Scotty told parliament in April that the backlog of patients
requiring specialist treatment could only be addressed through the
ministry's overseas medical referral (OMR) program.

One of the strategies was to enter
into direct contract with a service provider which resulted in a
scoping mission to the hospital in Fiji in January by the secretary
for health, a senior government lawyer, and the acting director HR
"We have chosen Pacific Specialist
Hospital as one of our future OMR provider due to the availability
of high quality medical specialist and surgical care services, low
cost compared to the other countries and close proximity to Nauru,"
Minister Scotty said.
A day after the sitting of
parliament Minister Scotty and the director of the PSH signed the
MOU titled, Medical Service Agreement between the Republic of Nauru
Department of Health, Nauru and the Pacific Specialist Healthcare
Pte, Ltd, Fiji, on 6 April.
The agreement will also allow Nauru
to initiate staff training and mentoring in specialist health
fields in Nauru.

The Department of Women and Social Development Affairs (WASDA)
celebrated key events International Women's day and the Safehouse
on 7 and 8 March respectively.
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