The Government of the Republic of Nauru

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WASDA Ministerial


The Department of Women and Social Development Affairs (WASDA) celebrated key events International Women's day and the Safehouse on 7 and 8 March respectively.


The use of social media and video messaging assisted the visibility and promotion of the department and its valuable work.


Parliament CS - WASDA


During the parliament sitting on 5 April, Minister Charmaine Scotty said the department's work continues for the development of key policy frameworks and activities for the proper implement of the Domestic Violence and Family Protection Act 2017 and the Child Protection and Welfare Act 2016.


"There is significant movement to completion of the national women's policy, national action plan for women, child protection policy, gender mainstreaming policy with the intention to have them all endorsed by the end of 2024."

The department prides itself on ensuring that the national interest comes first and while the many regional and international initiatives will always be qualified by Nauru's context, Minister Scotty says the national interest will always be the priority.

Minister Scotty notes Beijing +30, considered to be the blueprint for women's human rights will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2025, and part of the work is a national survey to be undertaken by member states.


Nauru will carry out the survey in May 2024 and part of the survey will also include an online survey with key questions to drive specific outputs for Nauru.

This includes having a Nauru contextualised definition of gender, an implementation plan of the Domestic Violence and Family Protection Act and will involve the Bureau of Statistics and other key stakeholders.


In 2025, the global community will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995).


In 2022 WASDA and the Nauru Police Force (NPF) sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that speaks to the partnership and collaboration that both entities bring for the fight to end domestic violence.


Minister Scotty says the burden now is to build on the partnership by having a specific position to gather statistics and collaborate with NPF's domestic violence unit.

Nauru recently hosted the Micronesian Minister for Women's Conference (MMWC) from 15 to 19 April with the theme, 'Eõ ngage - Eõ yaran - Añ Towepo: Generational Equity', which translates to 'Not Today - Not Tomorrow - But Together'.


"The theme is symbolic of the resilience of our region that as overcome much adversity and yet stands to gain much more in solidarity and as individual nations," Minister Scotty told parliament.


Nauru will also be attending the Triennial Women Leaders Conference in July in the Marshall Islands while also working hard as the chair of the regional working group on domestic violence/family protection legislations which will meet in August in Fiji.